Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today..Once more..Argh!!

Today I went for my official eighth driving lesson....sigh..I hate it when time flies so fast, people change whether better or worst but still...when people meet, whether familiar faces or not, sometimes just a little wave is shown and they are off on their separate paths, the one they chose to follow, freely or when in desperation....

Personally, I really want to change but differently, like sometimes, one cannot judge a book by its cover and its true, my bro's secondary school is causing so much trouble for my family, that I cannot take it, I mean what happen to the clean responsible image it gave to parents that their children would be able to learn and study in a good environment with no lack of equipment or facilities, apparently its his school.

I mean in which school does a home econs teacher tell you to bring your own plates to present the dish one is making or even to buy the ingredients without even paying us back the money we use... That is just the tip of the ice berg.

Next is, why is it that my brother when in charge of the stupid class notice board has to take responsibility of printing not in black and white but rather in color just to suit the taste of the classroom, I mean what the Hell... I for one am never trusting this useless, cheating school ever again!!!!!!!

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