Sunday, July 12, 2009

Long times...

Wll, I haven touched this blog in like...maybe a few months or less. Anyway many things have changed and happened over this few months, projects have been handled up, people change and grow up. Just things like that.

Personal wise, my cousin, Lincoln is a year and a few months now and is already able to walk, OMG and his only word is only Apple which he pronounces as Arpu! That is like so cute but hey, I'm just gald to be part of his growing process.

For myself, I have just gotten my 'Sabre' and used it once in Fencing class! Hooray for me! haha this class has been fun for me, I guess in a way it helps me to look differently on how life can sometimes revolves around a small tiny thing like attacking.

I have also changed my favorite Idol group from S.H.E to a korean girl group known as Girls Generation. They have recently received a lot of love on their recent 2nd mini album, "Tell me your wish Genie". Its awnsome and everybody is waiting for the Genie syndrome to take off after their success of the Gee syndrome. But anyway, Hwaiting girls!!!

School wise, I guess I will miss studying at TAS, though its far from my home, but its been fun, we get to enjoy ourselves and furthermore see a amusement park unfold before our very eyes! Plus with the very 'NICE' descriptions of SSM from Yuxin, makes me cannot wait just to go back to TP next term. Haha.

Oh yeah heres another gossip before I sign off, Mrs Moraes is now teaching Mass Communications at SP!!!! OMG!!! But anyways, just want to wish her luck in her career and many thanks to her for teaching me for four great years in East View. Gamsahamnida!!!

Heres wishing everyone a enjoyable week ahead!! Hwaiting!!!!!

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